
Bishop Oral St.P. Walters
Senior Pastor
Mr. Oral St. Patrick Walters is the Senior Pastor at Living Word Christian Center International Ministries, a Church who's mission is to "Shape a Generation for the Kingdom of God". Pastor Walters is known for his passion and desire to do the will of God with a spirit of excellence. His motto, “When excellence becomes tradition, there is no end to greatness.”

Sandra J. Walters
Executive Pastor
Mrs. Sandra Walters is the Executive Pastor of Living Word Christian Center where her emphasis is to maintain the daily administering of the church and its' departments with effectiveness, efficiency and excellence. She is committed to working and walking alongside her husband in ministry (Bishop Oral Walters); together they are determined to shape a generation through Worship, Education and Outreach.

Deacon Prince Ihesiulo
Men's Ministry Director
Connects men with each other and with God through regular events, classes, and community. Deacon Prince is dedicated through prayer to move men from acquaintances to brotherhood and creating a generation of men dedicated to the Kingdom. His purpose is to bring men of all ages together to strengthen relationships and comaraderie and to reach out to our friends, family, and community with the message of God's love.

Deacon Joseph Daye
Band Ministry Director
Deacon Joseph Daye oversees, manages, and supports all aspects of the music ministry with an ethnically diverse congregation. Deacon Daye joyously creates a music environment that allows the congregation and visitors to be drawn into worship. He also recruits and directs the team of singers, band, and anyone else involved with performing music. Deacon Daye is enthusiastic and has a passion for helping others learn to use their natural gifts given by God, to give Him praise and glory through music.

Deacon Randy Liburd, Sr.
Marketing and Communications Director
Deacon Randy Liburd, Sr., has a heart for reaching people. He's responsible for the internal and external communication activities of LWCCIM. Being spiritually-led by God, he markets the church through advertising, public relations, traditional, electronic, and emerging media. He joyously oversees and is “hands-on” with both internal and external communications activities aggressively seeking to foster the church’s mission and vision. He is also Deacon over Security, Ushers and Discipleship Class.

Deacon Brian & Mrs. Novia Bent
Covenant Partner Director
Mr. & Mrs Bent believe and support a variety of activities both spiritual & social that will strengthen marriages, encourage and equip each couple to Make Disciples of Christ Jesus that make a difference! The marriage ministry's vision supports the vision of the LWCCIM. Their mission is to provide biblically-based resources to help you build an emotionally and spiritually healthy marriage.

Donovan Roberts
Transportation Ministry Director
Brother Donovan Roberts oversees and supervises all operations of the Transportation Ministry Department in a manner that results in both children and adults being saved. He ensures LWCCIM provides an opportunity to obey Christ’s command to “go and make disciples of all nations” by moving outside its walls into the streets of the neighborhoods around it. Brother Donovan desires for the church to become known to the people of the neighborhoods and not just as a building, but as a group of caring people.

Randy Liburd
Security Director
Brother Randy Liburd provides protection to all people attending church services and special events. His heart and mindset of protecting others provides him willingness to sacrifice “attending” services and events as a participant to be able to put the well-being of others before himself, or your families lives while at the church's building. He is dedicated to commit to it.

Elder Marcia Plummer
Director | Elder of Marketing
Elder Plummer oversees the teams by setting the overall direction, training, and support they need to effectively connect the culture with the gospel.. She grows and builds dynamic teams that implement systems and strategies to promote and champion excellence. As she actively follows Jesus, being changed by Jesus, and committed to the mission of Jesus, Elder Plummer is a humble and transparent leader as she maintains strong relationships with staff and volunteers, church members, and outside professionals. She truly leads by example in the continued growth and spiritual maturity of all teams.

Elder Marcia Young
Music | Choir Director
Leads the team members, and visitors alike with a great sense of awareness and a Shepherd's heart into genuine and participative worship to God through Holy Spirit. She leads through a creative lens that recognizes the culture in which she is living and serving, with the ability to engage the hearts of people across generational lines. Elder Young magnifies the greatness of God in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit by skillfully combining God’s Word with music motivating the members and visitors to exalt the LORD, cherish His presence and live for God’s glory. She guides the corporate worship experience during all worship services and events.

Elder Nicole Williams
Education Director
Elder Nicole Williams believes in preparing leaders to step up and serve, we must equip them for a different kind of leadership than the world promotes. We must teach them to be humble, sacrificial, knowledgable, wise and courageous. The responsibility of leading in the church is not to be taken lightly, and the kind of servant leadership Jesus modeled doesn’t come naturally. That is why it so important to provide all of the leaders in our churches, from the small group leader to the Elders and Deacons with the training and wisdom they need to protect the peace and purity of our church.

Elder Ronnie Gumbs
Missions Director
Elder Ronnie Gumbs leads the effort to maintain a comprehensive missions program in the church and is responsible for exploring missions opportunities, keeping the church informed regarding potential and ongoing missions involvement and serving as a liaison between the church and missionaries. She consistently researches, locates, validates and follows up on missions projects, opportunities, needs within the local community and foreign mission fields.

Elder Junie Roberts
College Liaison
Elder Junie Roberts dedicates herself to God to make sure students are prepared and secured in the Word of God before going to college. She is dedicated by ensuring they set their minds on things above, on the glory of Christ, and their identity in Him, instead of finding their identity in grades, performance, or the opinions of others (Colossians 3:2-3). She fervently prays and encourages college students to prioritize God in their schedule.

Elder Cholla Williamson
Outreach Director
Elder Cholla Williamson is a person with a passion for people and for serving others. She effectively ensures the presence and support of LWCCIM as needed in the community. She consistently develops a continuous, year-round program of mission education so that the congregation will be better informed, more knowledgeable, and strongly motivated to be supportive of the mission outreach of LWCCIM.

Elder Maureen Burrowes
Prayer Ministry Director
Elder Maureen Burrowes organizes, schedules, and provides general leadership for the church’s prayer activities. Together with the Pastors, the prayer coordinator gives energy and direction to the church’s prayer ministry. Helps raise up and train prayer leaders who can establish and lead small group prayer. Assists the pastoral staff in raising up their personal intercessory prayer support teams.

Elder Angella Smikle
Greeter Director
Elder Angella Smikle ultimate goal of the Christian community is to help people build a relationship with God, with others, and with the church. The first step is to say, "Welcome!”. She welcomes guests effectively as they arrive for our Worship experience and special events. She is the first face of our LWCCIM.

Evangelist Michelle Richards-Phillips
Community Liaison
Evangelist Michele Richards is a woman of prayer. She has a strong desire to see souls won and is therefore; have a strong desire to represent LWCCIM in the local Christian Coalition chapter, which includes helping the Bishop Oral Walters initiate and facilitate civic involvement among the church congregation.

Fenisha Walters
Dance Ministry Director
Fenisha Walters wholeheartedly believes in ministering the gospel through various forms of visual interpretation including sign language, step, and mime ministering during worship services and produces an emotional rendition of the Crucifixion each Easter. They minister at venues that include weddings, city/community events, outdoor outreach, and area nursing homes. Because of the sincerity and passion of Fenisha, this ministry has mentored other churches to establish Mime and Praise Dance ministries.

Youth Ministry
Youth Director
The Youth Director works with the Pastors, staff, and volunteers to oversee Christian education for children from ninth through twelfth grade, including Sunday morning programs and special family events. He/She has a heart of understanding and enjoyment for children and their families as she's led to guide their spiritual development. He/She is the face, soul and spirit of children's spiritual formation on Sunday mornings, children's ministry events, youth group, VBS, baptism and mission trips.

Geanne Sicard-Elliott
Senior Ministry Director
Mother Fisher strongly believes whether it is training a younger generation, sharing wisdom, or recounting God’s faithfulness in times of peril, seniors have an important function in the kingdom of God. Such ministry must seek to minister to, with, and from seniors. We live in a world that frequently marginalizes and dismisses the role and value of seniors. This must not be so for God’s people, for seniors play a vital role in the life of the church.

Elder Agatha Baptiste
Visitation and Shut-In Ministry Director
Elder Agatha Baptiste strongly believes that people matter to God. She responds with the love of Christ to anyone needing encouragement, comfort, or a sense of belonging reminding them that they are not forgotten by God. Elder Baptiste lovingly and patiently visits and prays with or for elderly people still living independently especially if they are shut-in, elderly or disabled people living in nursing homes, people who are sick for a prolonged period of time, people who are hospitalized, bereaved people, prisoners, people in shelters and people in crisis.

Sylette Daye
Living Word TV Director
Sylette Daye oversees the television ministry. She believes this is a vital ministry that reaches the homebound and the un-churched as well as our members that enjoy watching This ministry is very important, especially to members of our community who are unable to get out of their homes and attend a church service. These viewers are greatly enriched by the televised service.

Sylette Daye
Video Director
Sister Sylette Day is passionate about excellence in video content development and storytelling, live production, and growing diverse production teams that draws people in to God's love. She is directly responsible for all aspects of technically producing LWCCIM gatherings and events including audio, video, lighting, and media. Sister Daye humbly leads, manages, and builds the tech teams, directing all technical aspects.
Elder Marcia Young
Sister Novia Bent
Deacon Prince Ihesiulo
Elder Marcia Plummer
Deacon Joseph Daye
Brother Brian Bent
Sister Leba Humphrey