Next Live Online Experience | Sunday, January 17, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.

couples ministry

Purpose Statement
Couples is all about helping marriages win! We want to help empower couples to love better and see them rediscover, refresh, and recommit their love to each other.
Life is better when you're spending it with great people. We want to help you find them. Our Couples Small Groups are where you can hang out with other couples for encouragement, prayer, and friendship. We have a variety of age ranges, years married, kids/no kids, empty nesters, etc.


Meets every month
Invest in your relationship through these fun times of connection. We bring in special guest speakers for these events which are filled with humor, fresh insight, and practical action steps to help you and your spouse grow closer together.


Monday - Saturday at Noon
Intentional prayer ministry using scripture power tools to pray over specific topics each week.  This includes prayer for your fiancé, or fiancé to be, marriage, leaders, the vision of the church, etc. This ministry will meet through a weekly 1-hour conference call.  This aids couples in having a consistent prayer life.


Meets every month
Our Counseling Ministry welcomes couples seeking help. The role of a Counselor is to provide Christ-centered counseling to couples seeking guidance through our church. Whether you're facing financial struggles or personal and relational struggles, the counseling LWCCIM offers will walk with you through these hard times.
*Must be a member of LWCCIM.


Thinking about getting married? Meeting with one of our counselors will help bring greater clarity to your relationship and give you tools to help improve your relationship. In addition to better preparing you for the challenges of marriage, going through our pre-marital counseling satisfies the requirement to be married by a LWCCIM Pastor.